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Pickleball News: Farnham on the HOPP, APP golden ticket, Daescu Johns

Pickleball News: Farnham on the HOPP, APP golden ticket, Daescu Johns

Good morning pickleballers! The weekend is near - hang in there. That also means the second World Pickleball Magazine must be hitting the shelves soon - on Monday, in fact....
Today's Pickleball News: Another Agassi paddle, Waters + Johns Gold in Meda

Today's Pickleball News: Another Agassi paddle, Waters + Johns Gold in Meda

Good morning pickleballers! Hopefully, you survived Monday - I did, just about. So much happening here in PKLBull HQ. Yesterday, following some very strict advice from someone far wiser than...
McGuffin and Tardio Dominate Oz, WPBL recap, World Pickleball Magazine launch news

McGuffin and Tardio Dominate Oz, WPBL recap, World Pickleball Magazine launch news

My word, it's February. Already. What happened to January? Most of my January was spent getting everything ready for TODAY'S launch of the World Pickleball Magazine which will be on sale before 12:00...
Bollywood clash at the WPBL, Aussie Pickleball Open and Scottish Nationals updates

Bollywood clash at the WPBL, Aussie Pickleball Open and Scottish Nationals updates

Welcome to your Friday - and you've made a good decision ahead of the weekend to check out today's PKLBulletin. This is your final reminder that the World Pickleball Magazine launches on MONDAY...